Actress In The Movie Долгие Проводы (1987)

1. The Long Farewell (1971) directed by Kira Muratova • Reviews, film + cast

  • Yegevnia is played by Zinaida Sharko, an accomplished stage actress. Although at first she seems controlling and intrusive, projecting her emotional neediness ...

  • A single mother is confused by the changes in her teenage son, who has become distant since spending summer vacation with his father.

2. The Long Farewell (Долгие проводы) 1971 in English Online

  • Kira Muratova. Actors. Evgeniy KovalenkoLidiya BrazilskayaLidiya DranovskayaOleg VladimirskySofya BelskayaSvetlana KabanovaYuriy KayurovZinaida Sharko.

  • is a Soviet film drama directed by Kira Muratova. It was filmed in 1971, but it was put on a shelf and was only released on the screens in perestroika in 1987. "The Long Farewell," directed by Kirill Muratov, is a cinematic masterpiece that weaves a delicate tapestry of human emotions and connections. Set against

3. Долгие проводы (фильм) - KINOGLAZ

4. KINOGLAZ : "NIKA" Prizes

  • (Долгие проводы). Kira MURATOVA (Кира МУРАТОВА). Kira MURATOVA. Best Documentary Nominees. Legko li byt molodym, 1987 ... Best Actress in a ...

  • Cinéma russe. Cinéma soviétique. Cinéma russe contemporain. Cinéma russe et soviétique de 1896 à nos jours. History of the Russian and Soviet cinema. История русского и советского кино. Российское кино.

5. Kira Muratova - Timenote

  • ... film director, screenwriter and actress, known for her unusual directorial style. ... Долгие проводы (The Long Farewell) (1971); Познавая белый свет (Getting to ...

  • Kira Heorhiyivna Muratova (Ukrainian: Кіра Георгіївна Мура́това; née Korotkova, November 5, 1934 – June 6, 2018) was a Ukrainian award-winning film director, sc


  • Bevat niet: actress | Resultaten tonen met:actress

  • Hoewel reeds in 1971 opgenomen werd Kira Moeratova’s tweede langspeelfilm bijna twintig jaar lang door de Sovjet-censuur achtergehouden om pas ten tijde van de perestrojka in 1987 uiteindelijk in omloop gebracht te worden.

7. Lyudmila Arinina herečka - Filmož

  • ... actors at the film studio. Filmografie a biografie umělce jménem Lyudmila ... Долгое прощание (2004) film. 1/10. Маленькие беглецы (2004) film ...

  • Filmografie a biografie umělce jménem Lyudmila Arinina. Herečka z mnoha filmů a seriálů, které stojí za to vidět.

8. Kira Muratova - Wikiwand

  • Kira Georgievna Muratova was a Ukrainian award-winning film director, screenwriter and actress ... Долгие проводы, The Long Farewell, Yes. 1972, Россия, Russia ...

  • Kira Georgievna Muratova was a Ukrainian award-winning film director, screenwriter and actress of Romanian/Jewish descent, known for her unusual directorial sty...

9. Lidiya Dranovskaya - actress, dubbing: russian - Kinorium

  • Movies The Long Farewell Actress Lidiya Dranovskaya ... Movie «Where Is Enohp Located?» (1987). 3. Where Is ... Долгие проводы, 1971 — Yelizaveta Andreyevna ...

  • Лидия Драновская – actress, dubbing: russian. 85 years (Russia). biography, photo, best movies and TV shows, news, birthday and age, Date of Death. "Dandelion Wine" (1997), "Public Enemy Bukharin" (1990), "Where Is Enohp Located?" (1987), "Parade of the Planets" (1984), "Among Grey Stones" (1983)…

10. The Long Farewell (1971) | MUBI

  • Bevat niet: actress | Resultaten tonen met:actress

  • Evgenia, a divorced mother, is devoted to her only son, Sasha. When she lets him go on vacation with his father, he comes back a changed person and tells her that he does not want to live with her anymore.

11. Kira Muratova - director, writer, actress, editor - Kinorium

  • Actress Actress ... Top Rated Movies. 7.5 · The Tuner Настройщик 2004 · 7.5 · The Long Farewell Долгие проводы 1971 ... Movie «Change of Fate» (1987). 14. Change of ...

  • Кира Муратова – director, writer. 83 years (Ukraine). biography, photo, best movies and TV shows, awards, news, birthday and age, Date of Death. "Eternal Homecoming" (2012), "Melody for a Street Organ" (2009), "Dva v odnom" (2006), "Dummy" (2005), "Certification" (2004)…

Actress In The Movie Долгие Проводы (1987)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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